
If you’ve recently attended one of our workshops you can download the workshop learning material (workbook and PowerPoint) from this page. You will also find additional resources that can be used witihn your team – some of these resources may be useful if you’re a supervisor, team leader or manger ie you manage other team members.

  1. Introduction (Plus workshops feedback questionnaire)
  2. Workbook and Powerpoint – Responding to Challenging Situations (March -June 2024 workshops)
  3. Self-assessments
  4. STH’s Commitment to Customer Care 10 Promises (2010)
  5. Annie’s Story – based on a real patient complaint
  6. STH Resources for building your resilience
  7. External Resources for building your resilience
  8. More Resources for Managers

1. Introduction and feedback questionnaire

2. Workbook and PowerPoint for 3 Finance Department Workshops
(March to June 2024 workshops)

Skills for Responding to Challenging Situations workshops for the Finance Department.

You’re welcome to download, copy, print, edit and use the workbook or PowerPoint within your teams. The PowerPoint presentation includes links to the YouTube videos that we played during the workshop. Please note that the videos contain some dialogue not suitable for a work setting.

Provide feedback – you can still provide feedback about the workshops if you haven’t already done so by clicking the links below

Complete feedback survey for Mon 15th April 2024 workshop
Complete feedback survey for Mon 29th April 2024 workshop

Workshop 1 – Overview of Customer Experience (March 2024)

– The four parts of customer experience
– Techniques to enhance verbal and non-verbal communications

Workbook 1- Word
Workbook 1- PDF
Slides – Powerpoint (31 Mb size)

Workshop 2 – The Customer Journey
(May 2024)

– How to manage customers’ expectations
– Parent Adult Child (Transactional Analysis)

Workbook – Word
Workbook – PDF
Slides – Powerpoint (21 Mb size)

Workshop 3 – Looking after yourself
(June 2024)

– Emotional Intelligence
– Resilience

Workbook – Word
Workbook – PDF
Slides – Powerpoint

3. Self-Assessments


Below are two self-assessments.  Have a look at both self-assessments and decide which one you’d find most useful to use.  You could choose to use both.   You can complete the self-assessment  on your own as a way of reflecting on your own customer care strenghts and any areas of development. Alternatively you might want to use these self-assessments with your team members.  You could, for example, ask for feedback to see if your scores match the scores of others in your team.

Self-Assessment 1 STH Customer Care Self-assessment:   This self-assessment reflects the topics covered in recent workshops..   .

Self-Assessment 2 Commmitment to customer care 10 promises Self-assessment  This second self-assessment is based on the Trust’s 2011 Commitment to Customer Care Leaflet and asks slightly different questions. 

4. STH’s Commitment to Customer Care 10 Promises (2010)

In 2010/2011 the Trust’s Patient Partnership Department developed a ‘Commitment to Customer Care Leaflet’ in collaboration with staff, patients, carers, Governors and the Institute of Customer Service. The Commitment to Customer Care Guide’ consisted of 10 customer care promises. Red Vanilla developed a series of workshops to support the introduction of these 10 promises. STH developed the Customer Care leaflet BEFORE developing the Proud Values and so the original 10 promises are not widely used within the Trust today since the introduction of PROUD values and PROUD behaviours.

However you can still download the Commitment to Customer Care Leaflet below as we think it’s very good and complements PROUD. The 10 Customer Care promises in the leaflet were written by and for STH reception areas but are relevant across a range of other areas too. Although no longer widely used, the leaflet contains plenty of useful guidance relevant not just to reception areas.

5. Annie’s Story – based on a real patient complaint

Annie’s story is based on a real breast cancer patient complaint made to the Chief Executive of Barnsley Hospital in 2008. Working with a video production company, the Learning and Develpment team at Barnsley Hospital and a mix of professional and amateur actors, Red Vanilla was part of the team that produced this video. Annie’s story lasts approximately 13 minutes and although made nearly 15 years ago, the video is still relevant today.
Play Annie’s Video (Opens in YouTube)

6. STH Resources for building your resilience

Trust’s Wellbeing Support

Staff can use the following link to find out who their local wellbeing champion is

There is a wide range of health & wellbeing information on the staff health & wellbeing sharepoint site which can be accessed from outside of the Trust when logged into NHS mail at:

There is training available around building resilience on our Trust learning system PALMS Building Resilience (LD5053)

Freedom to Speak Guardians:

Liz Puddy, Elected Staff Governor for Medicine and Dentistry – contactable via the email system  

Paulette Afflick Anderson – Elected Staff Governor for Admin, Management and Clerical Staff – contactable via the email system

There is also a Freedom to Speak Up inbox within STH if staff wanted to raise any concerns in a more open manner.  The inbox is via:

Staff can also be referred to Occupational Health as they have psychologists working within that department.

7. External Resources for building your resilience

The links below will give you access to additional resources for building your resilience

Short article from Dental Nursing magazine March 2021
PPE mask wear: how dental nurses break down the barriers in dentistry  
Resilience and Wellbeing toolkit
20 page Resilience and Wellbeing toolkit plus associated resources published by Derbyshire based coaching, training and leadership development business We Are Beyond who have very kindly and generously given us permission to share their excellent resources.
Building your own resilience, health and well-being  
A 44 page easy to read, well laid out workbook published by Skills for Care organisation
Health Education England Conflict Resolution Level 1 E-Learning Course

8. More Resources for Managers

Fifteen Step Challenged – For Clinics and Outpatients  
The Fifteen Steps Challenge – Quality from a patient’s perspective: A toolkit for clinics and outpatient settings.  18 Page PDF guide published 2017 by NHS England
52 page document – Workforce Stress and the Supportive Organisation – A framework for improvement through reflection, curiosity and change.  Produced April 2019 by HEE National Workforce Skills Development Unit